
My Rig

The Cameras

I have two cameras. My first camera which got me into this is a Nikon D3000 which I purchased in 2008. The new one is a Nikon D750 which I got in 2019. I’m loving it so far.


The Lenses

At this point in time, I have 3 lenses – all of which are DX lenses so I’m not yet able to take advantage of the FX capability  unless I rent a lens. I’m saving up for new lenses, but until then I have the 3 below.

The Standard Lens

This is the one that came with the camera. Lens particulars: AF-S NIKKOR 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6G

The Telephoto Lens

This was my first aftermarket lens and I couldn’t get up to Elephant Seal Beach fast enough!! It came with a hood, which I am now all kinds of a fan of. I want a hood for my standard lens now, considering how very bright and sunny most days are in California.  Lens particulars: AF-S NIKKOR 55-300MM 1:4.5-5.6G ED

The Micro Lens

I just got this lens and haven’t had much of an opportunity to play with it yet. I wanted this one because I have several Victorian dresses that are falling apart due to age and I wanted to get some really great, close-up shots of the stitching and seam details so I could re-create the patterns in modern sizing. We’ll see how it goes.  This also came with a hood, so when I’m out getting ridiculous close-ups of bugs on bright sunny days that should come in handy. Lens particulars: AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 40mm f/2.8G.


The Filters

I have a few of these I play with, but I’m hardly a master of them. On a lot of visits I’m going inside and outside, and taking filters on/off the lenses as well as switching from lens to lens can be a pain. I’m starting to appreciate the effect the right filter can have on an image though.

I have the UV Filter and the Circular Polarizer. Both I got, again, because of the preponderance of hard light shooting conditions.



About the Pictures:

Images of my cat from 2008 when I just got my camera. I wanted to see if I could get close details of the garments, and my cat was all cute sitting there with his brightly colored claw caps. He was very tolerant of my putting the camera literally as close as I could and still have it auto-focus. These were both taken with base camera and lens.

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