
Elephant Seal Beach – San Simeon, CA

By on May 4, 2019 in Biological |

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I rented a Tamron 150-600mm f/5-6.3 SP Di VC USD G2 from LensRentals.com to see what full frame images would look like. The lens was a 150×600 zoom. The weight of it was more than I expected, so that made using it for the dog show that I originally got it for a bit challenging. I tried one day of the show, but gave up. Even on a tripod, it just didn’t work out for me. In theory, it was designed for use with sporting events but I guess a canine agility show wasn’t what they had in mind.

So instead of the show I decided to go up to San Simeon to the Elephant Seal Beach. I usually go up there between December and March for the pupping season, so I wasn’t really sure what to expect.

Turns out, after pupping season is molting season!

And there were lots of seals to be seen, that is for sure. I posted the first picture here on my Instagram (follow me to see these images and those I don’t always post here) and confessed it was quite surreal to see a mammal shedding its skin like a snake. Yet here on the beach, were hundreds of them.

What was interesting was how much the seals liked to argue. They’d be laying there sleeping and one would rear up with flaming pink mouth agape to start hollering, then in the next moment all the nearby ones would rear up in answer.

I’m glad I captured this moment of arguing — the seal completely reared her head all the way around so she was upside down to challenge the one behind her. So …. seal. Squabbling and sleeping, it’s apparently what they do while on the beach.

But one gal was not so enamored of sleeping in a pile down on the rocky beach. She managed to wriggle her way right up to within feet of the boardwalk. Grass stains all down the length of her belly, snoozing in the sun.

The ground squirrels around the beach are suuuuper used to people. One dashed by my feet within a foot — too close to focus the camera on. This one was right on the edge of the nearest range it could focus on. He was enjoying some of the local seeds and being too cute to resist.

At some point, you’ll see more of the elephant seals.

If you ever want to rent a lens for a special event or try it out before buying it, I do recommend LensRentals.com. The Tamron came in a heavy duty Pelican type of case, packed safe and sound. The return label was provided and it was easy peasy to drop it off at FedEx for the return. The prices were reasonable and the selection amazing. I was able to rent it for use 3 days instead the default 7, so that saved me some money. I liked the flexibility there. Overall, a great experience and I’ll definitely be trying out more lenses.

Until next time, Adventure On!

See the non-framed photo gallery on DWPhotography.com.

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